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Volunteer Recruitment

Spirit of Truth Lutheran Church

Bethany Meadows 

In 2022 I participated in a volunteer activity for my church. We were going to Bethany Meadows, (the local assisted living facility), to serve food. The adults had no problem volunteering, but the younger generation did not seem too interested so I was asked to recruit more of the younger generation to help. My church is fairly small, so they only asked me to recruit five more people to help. My goal was trying to make it appealing to the younger generation by being relatable. I would ask them, "When was a time in which you felt fulfillment?" After hearing their answer, I would respond with, "Give me three hours of your time, Sunday afternoon and I promise you will feel the same level of fulfillment."


This strategy helped me gather five more younger volunteers to help out at Bethany Meadows. This task also helped me have a sense of fulfillment because I knew I was doing something good that would be appreciated. After we were done serving food everyone said they were glad they could help, and it turned out to be a great day.


Many lessons were learned when it comes to any volunteer experience. This specific experience helped me understand more about organizational factor of volunteering. I also learned that being understanding and relatable goes a long way when trying to get others to join you.

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