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Professional Development

United Pilot

An Interview Full of Questions

My brother and I had the opportunity to interview a former United Airlines pilot. We asked everything we could think to ask. The big thing was the hiring process. To both my brother and I, the hiring process is the most intimidating part of making it to the airlines. The United Airlines pilot then had the idea to run us through a mock interview to see what areas we were strong in and what areas we needed to improve on. The big question he asked us was "When was a time in aviation you believe you failed?" I answered, "I failed in aviation when I didn't pass my Private Pilot check ride on the first try." He then told me that there is no such thing as failing in aviation, just lessons to be learned and experiences to be had.


This situation helped me grow professionally through new connections in the aviation industry and also by providing me with early feedback on how to handle an interview. I was also givcen a firsthand glimpse of what the airlines are actually like, while also getting a better understanding of the hiring process in the aviation industry. I now know what to expect and can prepare for the future in a better sense.


This interview taught my brother and I many things about the airlines and what is expected and looked for in the hiring process. This also gave me a connection to a pilot who I can talk to and learn from in many different ways. I hope to make more connections like this, and someday be able to be the pilot able to shed light on the new pilots.

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