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Cultural Diversity

Hy-Vee Training

Cultural Diversity in the Workplace

I have recently been hired as a Hy-Vee employee. During the hiring process Hy-Vee requires a cultural diversity in the workplace class. The class covers privilege and being self-aware while working in a very diverse workplace. While taking the class I became more self-aware about personal biases and values when navigating the diverse workplace. The class also consisted of a series of questions in which I had to answer correctly to progress further in the class.


This class was very eye opening for me. It covered many stereotypes how to be self-aware about if you are starting to think that way and ways to prevent it. It also mentioned how in the workplace it does not matter what cultural background I have or my co-workers because we are all on the same team with the same goal.


Throughout this course I learned different ways to be self-aware and prevent potential conflict due to ignorance of different cultural backgrounds. It also helped me understand how to navigate a culturally diverse workplace without being offensive of closed minded. 

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