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Aviation Safety Case Study

Cessna Citation N941JM

This final project was a group project in which we had to investigate an accident or incident in aviation and make a presentation on what the root causes were. The group I joined was a group of five tight nit guys. They were all very familiar with one another and I really only knew one person in the group. As a group we could not stay focused on our project and then tensions rose between two members of the group. They started arguing to the point where we were making no progress towards our project. No one was stepping in to help remedy the situation until I did. I took charge and helped form a new strategy to complete the presentation. Instead of everyone working together on each piece of the presentation I offered the idea of splitting up into smaller groups and each taking a section of the presentation. 


With this new plan, we effectively and efficiently completed our presentation. Our group went through many different "mini" stages of team development. In the beginning we were all friendly with one another and joking around trying to make the situation feel welcoming. We all tried to do it together and that is when tension rose between the team. The team split into two smaller cliques that defended their own. This continued until I stepped up and offered a solution. Once we were able to move our attention back towards the presentation, we completely disregarded whatever the argument was about. 


Throughout this project my team demonstrated many different aspects of a team. With what I know now from different leadership/teamwork centered courses and my experience with this project, I understand how team development is essential to being able to execute the goal. I mention "mini" stages because a true team development takes months of working together, but we showed aspects of every stage in a short period of time. Teams may have some obstacles while going through team development, but with communication and trust the team will always be able to pull through.


Brookings Varsity Football Coach

The Running Backs

While I coached for Brookings High School, I was in charge of coaching the running backs. Throughout the season the running backs and I had to work on various different techniques and skills used in the game of football. The running backs happened to be leaders of the team and the team looked to them to lead. This created a team dynamic within the running backs themselves. We cooperated as a group to help everyone as much as we could. I allowed the senior running backs to take control due to their experience and respect the other players had for them. 


In the beginning I didn't really know how to approach coaching. I didn't figure it out until the running backs, and I started collaborating as a team. When we all shared our thoughts on what we needed improvement on everything started to run smoother. The guys started to have more faith in me as a coach and I had more faith in them as players. The team dynamic we displayed was contagious throughout the team until we were all one as a whole.​


While being a coach I learned many different things about teams and how they function. The biggest take away I learned from this specific season was sometimes you have to give a little trust to earn trust. The running backs were skeptical of my ability to coach them in the beginning because I was skeptical of myself. I trusted them by asking them for help/feedback and we started to flourish.


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